81 months of Yaya!
[[image:2015-yaya81month-09.jpg:Artsy selfie:center:0]]
* Mouse over the pictures for captions
It’s the same old story of super late writing of the entry. April entry written in mid-June. But that’s how it’s been going lately. So we’ll keep this entry brief, and focus mostly on the photos. We had a late April trip to Florida which will be covered in other entries (eventually).
Food status: Yaya did not try anything new in April.
Reading status: we are moving along swiftly. Yaya can be seen (and heard) reading books on her own, and her artwork contains far more written words than it used to. So, whee! She is also reading instructions on various things. We are pleased with her progress.
And on to the photos. First some egg-dyeing photos:
[[image:2015-yaya81month-01.jpg:Pleased as punch:center:0]]
[[image:2015-yaya81month-02.jpg:Look at all the colorful eggs! Are they all ready yet?:center:0]]
Not sure why they are making faces at Yaya’s mermaid and merboy in the background:
[[image:2015-yaya81month-03.jpg:Funny faces:center:0]]
We took a trip to Elkhart to see Becky and the Indiana family and while we were there, Yaya tried some new activities. First, kayaking:
[[image:2015-yaya81month-11.jpg:Pre-kayaking photo with Mama:center:0]]
[[image:2015-yaya81month-16.jpg:Learning and practicing the basics on land:center:0]]
[[image:2015-yaya81month-04.jpg:Solo kayaking on Simonton Lake!:center:0]]
[[image:2015-yaya81month-05.jpg:Group shot of kayakers:center:0]]
It was definitely fun and a great addition to all the fun activities that we can already do at Phil and Becky’s house :-). Yaya took to the kayak very quickly and for me, it was like a return to my own childhood of kayaking all day with my father, my brother and our friends. It was a really great feeling to be able to share this with Yaya.
Next new activity: roller skating!
[[image:2015-yaya81month-06.jpg:Determined little girl giving it her all at the practice area:center:0]]
[[image:2015-yaya81month-07.jpg:Her reward – Becky and Dustin take her into the big rink!:center:0]]
[[image:2015-yaya81month-08.jpg:Love this funky shot of Dustin and Yaya while the other skaters are blurred:center:0]]
Yaya fell down countless times, even slamming herself into walls and such. Also Mama sustained injuries (bruises to her ankles and shins) due to Yaya kicking her very very hard and repeatedly. Seriously, for weeks I had some swelling and bruises. But we all persevered. So proud that Yaya did not give up even though she was emulating the looney tunes with her feet moving in a blur back and forth with no purchase and no brakes and no control. It was nuts! 🙂
Yaya also had her regularly scheduled dentist appointment. We had no issues with any of the procedures (brushing, flossing, fluoride, etc.).
[[image:2015-yaya81month-13.jpg:Barb the hygienist/nurse works on Yaya’s teeth:center:0]]
[[image:2015-yaya81month-14.jpg:A tooth is looth! And a new tooth is sprouting!:center:0]]
That’s the big news: Yaya’s first permanent tooth (an incisor) has cut through the gums behind the line of her milk teeth. There is a loose tooth and the dentist says to let nature take its course. The new tooth is actually situated where he would like her bottom teeth to be, so we are to leave it all be. Wheee! Also, we are not to worry about the fact that she hasn’t lost any milk teeth yet because her first set came in late (at one year, Yaya had only two teeth), so it is very likely that the next set of teeth would come in late as well.
Here are a couple of solo shots that I loved:
[[image:2015-yaya81month-10.jpg:Funky Photo booth selfie:center:0]]
[[image:2015-yaya81month-15.jpg:Photo of the artist at work creating play doh masterpieces:center:0]]
Happy 81-month birthday, baby girl!! We love you!!
[[image:2015-yaya81month-12.jpg:Winky likes circle toast at hotels:center:0]]