USS Östergötland NCC-72227

STA: To The Dark Avenue

Star Trek: Emergency Deep S01E18 “To The Dark Avenue” Dramatis Personae Capt Greg Ellison, Human-Deltan Commanding Officer (Dan) Dr Patrick Troughton, Human Chief Medical Officer (Doug) Cmdr Morpheus Drake, Human Executive Officer / Flight Officer (NPC) Lt Cmdr Galinha, Tamarian Chief Operations Officer (Ivan) Lt JG John Hippocampus, Beluga whale […]

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USS Östergötland NCC-72227

STA: Shades of Green

Star Trek: Emergency Deep S01E17 “Shades of Green” Dramatis Personae Capt Greg Ellison, Human-Deltan Commanding Officer (Dan) Dr Patrick Troughton, Human Chief Medical Officer (Doug) Cmdr Morpheus Drake, Human Executive Officer / Flight Officer (Ivan) Lt Cmdr Galinha, Tamarian Chief Operations Officer (Ivan) Lt JG John Hippocampus, Beluga whale Chief […]

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USS Östergötland NCC-72227

STA: Straight To The Moon

Star Trek: Emergency Deep S01E16 “Straight to the Moon” Dramatis Personae Capt Greg Ellison, Human-Deltan Commanding Officer (Dan) Dr Patrick Troughton, Human Chief Medical Officer (Doug) Cmdr Morpheus Drake, Human Executive Officer / Flight Officer (Ivan) Lt Galinha, Tamarian Chief Operations Officer (Ivan) Lt JG John Hippocampus, Beluga whale Chief […]

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USS Östergötland NCC-72227

STA: Emergent From the Depths

Star Trek: Emergency Deep S01E15 “Emergent From the Depths” Dramatis Personae Capt Greg Ellison – Human Commanding officer (Dan) Dr. Patrick Troughton – Human Chief Medical Officer (Doug) Lt Galinha – Tamarian Chief Operations Officer (Ivan) Stardate: 58564.8 July 26 2381. Location: Within the shell of the Jenolan Dyson sphere. […]

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USS Östergötland NCC-72227

STA: Between a Rock and a Wet Place

Star Trek: Emergency Deep S01E14 “Between a Rock and a Wet Place” Dramatis Personae Capt Greg Ellison (Dan) Dr. Patrick Troughton (Doug) Cmdr. Morpheus Drake (Ivan) Lt Galinha (Ivan) Lt. JG John Hippocampus (Razz) Stardate: 58564.75 July 26 2381. Location: Jenolan Dyson Sphere Grace Under Pressure The heavily modified Norway […]

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USS Östergötland NCC-72227

STA: Orbital Manoeuvres in the Dark

Star Trek: Emergency Deep S01E09 “Orbital Manoeuvres in the Dark” Stardate: 58563.9, 26th July 2381. Location: Gondolin Station, Cor Caroli III Previously on Star Trek: Emergency Deep. From Gondolin Station After taking time to recover from Andorian Death Fever, Commander Morpheus Drake returns to the Östergötland as her primary Conn […]

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USS Östergötland NCC-72227

STA: With a Fine-Toothed Comb

Star Trek: Emergency Deep S01 E08 “With A Fine-Toothed Comb” Stardate: 58552.74, 22nd July 2381 (0720 hours UTC) Location: Gondolin Station, Cor Caroli III. The Norway-class USS Östergötland NCC-72227 is en route back from the ocean world Trychnos to Gondolin Station at Cor Caroli III, a Helios class habitat, with […]

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NCC-72227 USS Östergötland

STA: Three On One

Star Trek: Emergency Deep S01 E07 “Three On One” Stardate: 58550.35; 21st July 2381 1020 hrs Location: Trychnos, near Cor Caroli   Suddenly three Orion Lightning-class blockade runners appear in the blue skies of the ocean world Trychnos and destroyed the Type-9 shuttle Mälaren. Captain Greg Ellison orders red alert […]

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NCC-72227 USS Östergötland

STA: On the Trail of the Unseen

Star Trek: Emergency Deep S01 E06 “On the Trail of the Unseen” Stardate: 58550.35; 21st July 2381 1020 hrs Location: Trychnos, near Cor Caroli The Return to Trychnos On yellow alert, the Norway-class USS Östergötland NCC-72227 returns to Trychnos from Gondolin Station around Cor Caroli III without Commander Morpheus Drake […]

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NCC-72227 USS Östergötland

STA: Where the Trychnos Currents Lead

Star Trek: Emergency Deep S01 E05 “Where the Trychnos Currents Lead” Stardate: 58542.09; 18th July 2381 0945 hrs Location: Trychnos, near Cor Caroli Last time on Emergency Deep, the Östergötland undergoes her first First Contact mission… Arrival at Trychnos Assigned to investigate the distress call of the SS Takoyaki NAR-7789 […]

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S02E06 Imperial Entanglements

STA: Imperial Entanglements

Star Trek: Thine Own Self S02 E06 “Imperial Entanglements” *** Stardate: 58217.2, 21 March 2381, 1200hrs Starfleet Dramatis Personae Capt. Vosgal Toor, Zaranite commanding officer of the Sienkiewicz (NPC) Lt. Cmdr. Kodar Tamat, Cardassian executive officer (PC) Lt. Leahman Barclay, Human conn officer – A shift (PC) Lt. Annette Metaxis, […]

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NCC-72227 USS Östergötland

STA: Behold, A First Contact

Star Trek: Emergency Deep S01 E04 “Behold, A First Contact” Stardate: 58465.9 Location: Paulson Nebula. In the Paulson Nebula, USS Östergötland NCC-72227 is immobilised by a tractor beam from a 1.2 km-long space creature. It fires a magma missile at them. On Captain Greg Ellison‘s orders, Tactical Officer Lieutenant Libby […]

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NCC-72227 USS Östergötland

STA: Juggernaut in the Cloud

Star Trek: Emergency Deep S01 E03 “Juggernaut in the Cloud”   Stardate: 58465.8 20th Jun 2381 1200 hrs UTC. Location: Paulson Nebula. A New Mission It has been three days since the USS Östergötland NCC-72227 was sent to the Paulson Nebula to investigate an anomalous signal detected by the SS […]

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Title card Star Trek Adventures Emergency Deep S01E02

STA: Taken

Star Trek: Emergency Deep S01 E02 “Taken” Previously on Star Trek Adventures: Emergency Deep. Here is the second session report from yesterday, once again in the form of a Captain’s Log written by Dan who plays the Captain Ellison. Captain’s Log, Supplemental. USS Östergötland (NCC-72227). Captain Greg Ellison in command. […]

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The Saber-class USS Sienkiewicz NCC-88034

STA: Gravity of the Situation

Star Trek: Thine Own Self S02 E05 “Gravity of the Situation” *** Previously… With the flotilla led by the USS Ibn al-Nahfis headed towards the nearest Starbase, the USS Sienkiewicz is left to deal with the last 70 scientists, engineers and admin personnel. A huge asteroid, part of the extreme […]

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Title card Star Trek Adventures Emergency Deep S01E01

STA: Deep End of the Pool

Star Trek: Emergency Deep S01 E01 “The Deep End of the Pool” Here’s a new style of Star Trek Adventures session write-up. A Captain’s Log as written by Dan who plays Captain Ellison. Dramatis Personae and GM’s synopsis is posted after the log. Beginning Captain’s Log. Stardate 58457.8 USS Östergötland […]

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