First Snowfall of the Winter

So we actually missed the first snowfall in Ohio (in November) this year while we were away at work in Pennsylvania. But when we were in Pennsylvania (again, for work) in December, snow caught up with us. This entry is basically just some fun photos taken during the snowfall, and afterwards.

Most of the photos were taken on the Sunday afternoon (you might remember the Eagles Sunday afternoon game with snow flurries that severely limited visibility on TV?), but some were taken in the days after.

[[image:2013_decsnow09.jpg:Let’s play in the snow!:center:0]]

As always, please mouse over the pictures for captions.

[[image:2013_decsnow01.jpg:Adik wants to know what this stuff is:center:0]]

[[image:2013_decsnow03.jpg:He’s intrigued by the stuff and keeps walking to make footprints:center:0]]

And yay! Adik still fits into Yaya’s old snowsuit! He has outgrown the lovely one that he received from Abang Reza (and that is now going to be handed off to another little Malaysian away from home!).

[[image:2013_decsnow02.jpg:Happy Papa!:center:0]]

[[image:2013_decsnow04.jpg:Papa and Yaya are making snowballs in the background while Adik runs around making footprints:center:0]]

[[image:2013_decsnow05.jpg:Look at that snow coming down!:center:0]]

Well, if there’s snow, there must be snow angels!

[[image:2013_decsnow06.jpg:Vigorously flapping her arms and legs:center:0]]

[[image:2013_decsnow07.jpg:Snow angel!:center:0]]

Yaya wants to make more snow angels. Adik was quite confused as to why Yaya kept lying down on the ground.

[[image:2013_decsnow16.jpg:Yaya lie down?:center:0]]

[[image:2013_decsnow17.jpg:Yaya’s back is covered in snow!:center:0]]

[[image:2013_decsnow08.jpg:”Cheeese”! I mean “snowflakes”!:center:0]]

[[image:2013_decsnow10.jpg:The hills are alive with the sound of muuuuusiiiiiic:center:0]]

[[image:2013_decsnow11.jpg:Yaya hops like a bird to make double footprints:center:0]]

[[image:2013_decsnow12.jpg:Adik really wants the snowball:center:0]]

[[image:2013_decsnow13.jpg:Let me go, Mama! I want to play!:center:0]]

[[image:2013_decsnow14.jpg:Snowball fight?:center:0]]

The snow was really quite powdery though. Not very good for snowballs or snowmen.

[[image:2013_decsnow15.jpg:What is that stuff falling from the sky?:center:0]]

Afterwards, we went back to our room and relaxed. Yaya said she would try some hot chocolate! So I made some using organic whole milk (good!) and melted Hershey’s milk chocolate bar (not so good!) in the microwave. Yaya actually drank it! Well, some of it. Papa had to finish it off, but she did try it. And she got a new game for the iPad.

[[image:2013_decsnow18.jpg:Sipping the hot chocolate:center:0]]

[[image:2013_decsnow19.jpg:Easier to drink it with a straw:center:0]]

We had a fun time that Sunday afternoon! On Tuesday morning I trekked across a (very large) parking lot over to the other building for the first of three days of workshops at a facility that was conveniently right by the hotel. Unfortunately that morning we got pounded again.

[[image:2013_decsnow20.jpg:Here are my footprints across from the hotel:center:0]]

Until the snow melted, the kids had fun playing in it.

[[image:2013_decsnow21.jpg:Crunch! Crunch!:center:0]]


It was fun. I am sure it will not be the last snow that we see this winter. Oh joy.

[[image:2013_decsnow23.jpg:This is the “naked snowman about ready to take a bath” that Yaya and Papa made:center:0]]

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