Future Player’s Companion: Tomorrows’ Evolution

The Game Mechanics

The Game Mechanics

The last of the series of three Future Player’s Companion books is now released: Future Player’s Companion: Tomorrow’s Evolution. Written by Gary Astleford, Neil Spicer and Rodney “Moridin” Thompson and co-illustrated by Jacob Elijah Walker, the supplement to Wizards of the Coast’s d20 Modern and d20 Future has all you need for advanced sci-fi characters from cybernetic enhancement to new gadgets to effects of drugs and medicine in a science fiction setting.

Here are all some of the artwork I contributed to the PDF supplement. For the previous two books, pencilling and inking were done with a regular pencil and pen, then the pencils are erased while the inks are scanned and greyscale shadow is added in the computer. For this book, only the pencils were done out of the computer. The line inking, lighting and shadow effects were all made digitally with the graphic tablet.

Update: To view all the following artwork at a higher resolution check out my deviantArt gallery here.

Genetic Advantage

Genetic Advantage

Find of the Century

Find of the Century

Cyber vs Psi

Cyber vs Psi

Cyborg Adept

Cyborg Adept



Full Metal Jacket

Full Metal Jacket

A Night at the Octagon
A Night at the Octagon

I Ain't Got No Body

I Ain’t Got No Body

Reality on a Finer Scale

Reality on a Finer Scale

Crackhouse of the Future

Crackhouse of the Future

Happiness on Credit

Happiness on Credit



Posted in Artwork, Role Playing Games and tagged , , .

Khairul Hisham J. is a tabletop RPG artist, writer, proofreader, translator, teacher, grad student and learner-in-general.

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