Illustration Friday: Depth

Another Illustration Friday, another illustration. The topic for this week is depth. I’m trying add another layer to the concept of depth in this piece of artwork. Desolation? Fear of the unknown? What are those doing in the bottom of the ocean? How did it come to pass? An illustration somewhat less colourful and more morose than the art I made for the e-book posted previously.



Medium: Painter Classic

Posted in Artwork and tagged , .

Khairul Hisham J. is a tabletop RPG artist, writer, proofreader, translator, teacher, grad student and learner-in-general.


  1. the picture looks fine except for the fact that the light entering from the water surface looks a teeny weeny bit like your city is caged!

  2. another cool aspect of depth – the piece is pretty vertical so i had to keep scrolling down to see it unfold. very cool, yope!

  3. This is extraordinary – a really powerful concept and image! It’s kind of creepy too and not pleasant to think about. The use of light is amazing!

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