Irfan’s Aunt Emma’s Graduation

As was reported in an earlier post, we were all at Universiti Malaya for Emma’s graduation ceremory. Irfan’s grandparents along with assorted uncles and aunts were there for the occasion. They spent the night at Rumah Universiti, booked many weeks earlier to avoid being sold out.

I was worried of the day being ruined by thick, smothering haze that’d been plaguing us for the previous two weeks. But like a miracle, the air cleared. Not a bit, not even moderately… it cleared almost totally. So we had blue skies and could clearly around us during graduation day.

[[popup:um01.jpg:(thumbnail):Coming down Rumah Universiti:center:1]]
After eating lunch in the hotel room, we headed down toward the crowd surrounding the Dewan Tunku Canselor. Irfan was curious about the drains as usual. Because the the crowd hasn’t surged yet, I was on photography detail. Later, to ensure Irfan’s safety, I had to take him in my arms while Ain took photos.

[[popup:um02.jpg:(thumbnail):In front of the hall:center:1]]
Before the crowd swarm, Ain, F & Irfan awaited for Emma to finish her commencement, which was happening in the Dewan Tunku Canselor behind them there. One of the few photos with Ain in it, cause later when she was on photo detail, no one took her picture. Poor girl.

[[popup:um03.jpg:(thumbnail):Emma’s let out:center:1]]
Emma was finally let out of the hall. Our family converged on her, just like everyone else’s family converged on them. There were hundreds of graduates. There were thousands of family members. Irfan, in my arms, was beginning to feel their presence. The cool thing was that Irfan was trying to use the Force to push everyone out of hs way. Since I didn’t have the camera with me at the time, there was no picture of him doing so.

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Our graduate, languishing after receiving her scroll. As with Ain’s scroll case, I can’t stop myself from holding it up like a lightsaber hilt and making the humming sound. In the background is the plaque, commemorating 100 years of Universiti Malaya (1905-2005).

[[popup:um05.jpg:(thumbnail):Irfan at the pool:center:1]]
[[popup:um06.jpg:(thumbnail):Crouching Irfan:center:1]]
[[popup:um07.jpg:(thumbnail):Irfan trying to find a way in:center:1]]
Before the graduates emerged, Irfan was still happily playing around the hall outer corridors and decorative pool.

[[popup:um08.jpg:(thumbnail):Back at the hotel room:center:1]]
Aftermath: Everyone was back at the hotel room, after Irfan & I were holed up there for a while as everyone else went around taking photos. Irfan got to wear his aunt’s hat for a bit. And stack up canned drinks. I mean, who wouldn’t be having fun stacking up canned drinks?

[[popup:um09.jpg:(thumbnail):Lotus-State 1:center:1]]
[[popup:um10.jpg:(thumbnail):Lotus-State 2:center:1]]
Later that night we went out to Lotus State Restaurant at Section 14, across the Federal Highway from Universisi Malaya. I had wonton mee. Quite good, but I wish there were more of it. Mushrooms in the sauce were great.

And then, Irfan fell asleep before we returned to Rumah Universiti. He rested his head on his grandparents’ bed for awhile before we headed home for the night.

Posted in Family Pics and tagged , , .

Khairul Hisham J. is a tabletop RPG artist, writer, proofreader, translator, teacher, grad student and learner-in-general.

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