Patreon: Transhuman Heroes 1

In a transhuman or posthuman setting, you are able to enhance your body and your mind with cybernetics or nootropics, or you could discard your body and drive a totally different body which might be organic or synthetic, or you could discard physicality and live as a ghost in a machine, in one of many simulated realities. Human minds are becoming more and more posthuman, being able to share their experiences, store their memories in exocortexes, fork their minds and reintegrate their minds later, and to create simulations upon simulations upon simulations for purposes that would eventually become incomprehensible to the human mind.

Players straddle that point in the post-scarcity setting where anything could be created with a 3D printer, from food to entire space habitats. Just died? Retrieve your cortical stack where your memories are stored, print out a new body and insert the stack into the receptacle in the brain, and you’re back. Are you a new individual or are you the same? What if you fork your mind and there are dozens of you walking around in either similar bodies as you or in different-looking bodies? Are they all still you?

These are questions posed when you play RPGs like Eclipse Phase. Of course it’s not all just heavy discussion on philosophy. You also get to shoot bad guys with railguns and beam weapons.

Freshly printed

Freshly printed

Here is the first set of Transhuman Heroes paperminis I created on Patreon. These are all organic human bodies. No mechanical bodies, uplift bodies nor bodies adapted for conditions such as like in the skies of Venus or the seas of Europa.

All six Transhuman heroes

All six Transhuman heroes

Paperminis for those other types of bodies will be released soon. As usual, the download is a PDF of two sets of six characters as seen in the photo above.

The ninja dude is surrounded by fans

The ninja dude is surrounded by fans

In the meantime, please download and assemble them from the Patreon creation page here. Also, support me on Patreon for me to be able to create more paperminis for tabletop RPGs!

Posted in Paperminis - Patreon, Role Playing Games and tagged , , .

Khairul Hisham J. is a tabletop RPG artist, writer, proofreader, translator, teacher, grad student and learner-in-general.

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