Friends at Mando Mayhem Friends at Mando Mayhem Richard of Outpost ProductionsMan, I miss his rosti at the Outpost Restaurant. I wish I blogged about that place...Chewie, a schoolmate from Air Service TrainingHe played Jack Wasiwawix in the Magma-3 campaign in 1993 (see elsewhere on blog)Sathya and Jeret at the Thai restaurantThey came to Jaya One to meet, but were too late for the Star Wars Mando Mayhem eventDinner with GM Ivan, Chang and Libb WeiAlmost everyone in the original Coriolis party, except DougKai came to visit the next dayHe helped me set upKai who GMed Nights Black Agents for me, with Gray of KakiTabletopGray once came to UniMAP in 2017 for the Tabletop Game Expo (see elsewhere on blog)Lunch time with Awi, Ivan, Kai, Ain and IA circle overlap of ACS and GOKLAin, Mei and EvaPresumably, the Imperial there is ready to throw them out for being raucousI GMed Colin and Connor the table with SyedColin is Mei's brother and Connor is Mei's sonColin and his daughterHe played Mark Grog in a Star Wars D6 campaign in the mid-90s (see elsewhere on blog)Aviation circle meets ACS circleThe children of the ACS visitors meets Chewie who came for the second dayParents, with their children who are playing the Star Wars RPGYu Hoe and Warren's kids are playing their parents' player characters (converted to FFG stats)Yu Hoe and sonI hope they had fun with the gameThe ACS contingent takes one final group shot before leavingMaybe someday we can do this again - I'll bring the dice...Dinner with Yu Hoe and family later that eveningOne final ACS classmate hospitality before we had to leave for Perlis the next day Star Wars RPG and shenanigans at Mando Mayhem, Jaya One, 20-21 May 2023. Posted in . hisham View posts by hisham Khairul Hisham J. is a freelance artist, writer, editor, translator, English language teacher and a long time tabletop role-playing game player and gamemaster.