So There We We Were At Jinnah International

Hikam and I arrived at about 2025 local time via the Pakistan International Airlines flight. It was enjoyable. I think I slept four out of the six hours airborne. The inflight movie was Pirates of the Carribeans – Dead Man’s Chest.

Luckily the hotel transport people were waiting for our arrival. One less thing to worry about.

It’s now almost 1000 local time in the morning, and we’ve had some breakfast. Access to Wireless LAN in only in the lobby on the ground floor and on the 6th and 7th floors. So, here I am in the lobby trying to get some information down the internet tubes.

In the airport

In the airport

Out of the airport

Out of the airport

Hikam at the hotel lobby

Hikam at the hotel lobby

Posted in Recent News and tagged , , , .

Khairul Hisham J. is a tabletop RPG artist, writer, proofreader, translator, teacher, grad student and learner-in-general.


  1. Yay…..abg take care tau kat sana…….really miss you..
    irfan taip…..”huftddf vnmbdnmt5t85t8eruzdezgfgrf8yr94-jkjjwjk
    missruu4y3uuywuxd883e829988888888888888888zzzzzzzzz(miss you)”

    Love from both of us,
    ain & irfan shafiq

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