Sunday Dinosaurs

Several years ago, we drove in to check out Timah Tasoh Resort, right by the Timah Tasoh Lake not too far from the Timah Tasoh dam. I remember it that it was a weekend and although the gates were open, there was hardly anyone there. We did not even take photos as we drove through the resort.

Fast forward to this weekend, and we now have dinosaurs.

The dinosaurs are quite well-sculpted. They possess no feathers and I suppose featherless Jurassic Park-style dinos would be more popular with the visitors.  They seem to be made from foam, so I hope the public does not damage them. Check out the video and photos above. Both contain a guest starring cat.

Besides the dinosaurs, there were a whole load of other things you could do such as renting a bicycle, an electric motorbike and a children’s train ride. Check out the video and photos below.

Suddenly, a vicious gigantic creature appeared!

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Khairul Hisham J. is a tabletop RPG artist, writer, proofreader, translator, teacher, grad student and learner-in-general.

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