Pacific Rim Heroclix Battle

Ivan and Kai of the GOKL gaming group dropped by to visit us for Aidilfitri. The Aidilfitri visit is of course an excuse for some gaming shenanigans. [[image:heroclix-pacrim01.jpg:L-R Slattern, Knifehead, two Gipsy Dangers, Coyote Tango and Scunner:center:0]] Once upon a time – about a month ago – I asked Kai […]

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Nooo!!! Not another Gamera attack!! There goes Sunday morning!

Gamera Moves Into Town!

And there goes the neighbourhood in Pandan Indah. Well, not really. Recently, I had Irfan’s Gamera toy with me in the car, so wherever I drive and I find a photo opportunity, I’d take an impromptu photo of the toy in forced perspective with the surrounding buildings in view. So, […]

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The Invincible Super Monster, The Guardian of the Universe, The Brave, The Friend of All Children

Gamera Tears Up The Living Room

… or at the very least, it wishes it could. As previously mentioned Irfan seems to have taken a shine to Gamera, the giant monster turtle with awesome powers! I was looking at papercraft material online when I came across a Gamera papercraft, which was only a two-page downloadable pdf. […]

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Tortoise vs. Iguana

Gamera vs. Godzilla

800th blog post! Irfan’s been on a daikaiju kick lately. Checking out all the monster throwdowns on Youtube, he’s decided that giant, flying, bipedal sabre-toothed tortoise Gamera is his favourite monster. We quickly illustrated this picture earlier this morning. Click on the thumbnail for the full image.

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