Porg Dameron

Porg Dameron

What if Poe Dameron was a porg? What if he still had his helmet and Glie-44 blaster pistol? What then? What then? I drew the above a couple of days ago, posted on Twitter and Facebook. It was even featured on Star Wars Reporter!

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This is a horror scenario really


The Imperial Talker (Updated: 22nd Jan 2020 – Twitter account no longer exists) tweeted about a dream he had involving popcorn. I chimed in and… things escalated. Who knows, maybe we will discover in December that this IS an actual scene with Chewbacca and the porgs in Star Wars The Last […]

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Porg Greyhelm

Rebel SpecPorg

Sketch Wars on Twitter had a porg theme over the week, so I thought I’d chip in with a porg wearing Rebel SpecForce outfit for some reason or other. Well, I thought it was hilarious. Here are some of the other participants’ pictures: Part 1 of this week’s #sketchwarsdrawingclub – […]

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