Hishgraphics H

University Exam Hijinks

Last Friday, I was all prepared and psyched up to head on down to Unitar for my first mid-term examination paper for this semester. It was LAN 0023 Islamic Studies. I double checked the Excel file they’d emailed on the 11th and confirmed that the time and place for the […]

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Katrina’s Aftermath

The aftermath of Hurricane Katrina that ravaged the Gulf Coast of the United States. It’s like something out of an apocalypse movie. While the death toll will never reach the numbers achieved by the Indian Ocean Tsunami of Dec 26 2004, the tragedy on the human level is just the […]

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Happy 48th Birthday, or is it?

Yesterday was Aug 31, Malaysia’s Independence Day. Once upon a time we were a collection of nations that ruled independently. Then we were swallowed by the Portugese, chewed by the Dutch, digested by the British. (There were the several years under Japanese rule during World War Two – we might […]

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