
I Want To Play In This Campaign

PVP Online‘s latest comic regales us with a description of one of the greatest ideas for an RPG campaign. I believe I’d very much like to play Jesse Mach of Street Hawk in that campaign. Anyone else willing to be Stringfellow Hawke, B.J McKay, Sheriff Lobo and Colt Seavers travelling […]

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sudo apt-get install linux joke

Before the Deepavali-Aidilfitri vacation I had zero experience working with a Linux machine. Some time fiddling about with Ubuntu in Pasir Mas changed that. (Not by much, but some.) I wouldn’t have understood this joke before three weeks ago, so don’t feel bad if you don’t get it. When I […]

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Roy’s Finest Hour

[[image:ootsbanner_88x31_portrait.gif:Order Of The Stick:left:0]] The 250th installment of the Order Of The Stick does not disappoint. I didn’t see the two punchlines in the story coming at all and the impact was outstanding… Well at least for me. Check it out here. Meanwhile in Singapore, according to Reuters via Yahoo! […]

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NYC 2123

[[image:nyc2123.gif:NYC2123:center:0]] We’ve seen online graphic novels before. But we haven’t seen one like NYC 2123, which is the first to be optimized for and downloaded for viewing into a PSP. Like the title implies, the story takes place in New York City in the year 2123; a post-apocalyptic, cyberpunk dystopia […]

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Platinum Grit

Platinum Grit

Kris Vanderwater, a great web programmer and 3D modeller, introduced me to Platinum Grit, a awesome Australian webcomic by Trudy Cooper and Danny Murphy. There’s no fantasy some elements of fantasy, no science-fiction a weird alien abduction issue which just defies description, no breaking-the-fourth-wall humour, and no references to video […]

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Robot the Robot

Robot the Robot

Via Boing Boing, I came across an amazing webcomic known as Robot the Robot. Each issue is a flash file and it opens like a regular book, that is to say it has two facing page each screen. Click on the left page to leaf back the book, click on […]

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