We Keep Going Back To Sungai Congkak

…probably because it’s the picnic spot in the woods that’s closest to us. Still we needed to drive over the hills to reach it.

It was Irfan’s school holidays, so Atok and Opah came over for a visit. Sunday morning we went for a picnic.

Atok with his photography gear

Atok with his photography gear

Opah sets the breakfast table

Opah sets the breakfast table

Instead of more pictures of us dipping in the river or having nasi lemak, here follows photos of the surrounding environment.

Here are some trees and a gazebo. Someone stat the gazebo.

Dread trees

Dread trees

Dread Gazebo

Dread Gazebo

Here are some trees and running water.

Get wet here

Get wet here

More water runs through here.



Then a challenger appears!

Irfan enjoys the water

Irfan enjoys the water

We had a great time under the cooling trees and in the even more cooling river. Atok took lots of photos and Opah scored some wild orchids for her garden which she found growing on trees. We’re sure Alya and Rafe would enjoy dipping in Sungai Congkak when they visit in the future.

Posted in Family Pics and tagged , .

Khairul Hisham J. is a tabletop RPG artist, writer, proofreader, translator, teacher, grad student and learner-in-general.

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