Young Book Readers during Eid

The most awesome thing which was agreed upon by everyone was that Irfan and Alya were friends almost from the get go. Even when Alya was grumpy, badly affected by jet lag, she will more often than not smile or even laugh whenever Irfan came around to cheer her up.

Once she even climbed onto Irfan’s bed to wake him up in the morning:



Later that day, they both did something which was not planned at all. Irfan started reading for his little cousin as they sat together on their grandparents’ couch. At first, they both flipped through a Reader’s Digest magazine and a book Ayah Cik was reading at the time:

Missing Lily

Missing Lily

Alya was fascinated with photos of cats in the Reader’s Digest. Irfan also checked out the pictures sitting at her side:

Miaow! Miaow!

Miaow! Miaow!

Then Irfan remembered the children’s books Cik Dik bought for him as presents, so he rushed to his room to get them and rushed back to read them out to Alya. He started with Harry’s Bath:

You don't usually see dinosaurs in a bath tub

You don’t usually see dinosaurs in a bath tub

Then he read to her Pizza and Other Stinky Poems with gusto:

Let's read more

Little Miss Muffet, sat on a tuffet

We got them to sit at the piano so we could take photos of them there, which is quite a feat considering little Alya is usually up and running everywhere. Irfan continued reading the Pizza book:

That piano needs to be repaired

That piano needs to be repaired

Back at the couch, Alya began to flip through Harry’s Bath as Irfan kept reading his book.

On top of spaghetti all covered with cheese

On top of spaghetti all covered with cheese

We thought that the reading had stopped for the rest of the day, but later that night Alya joined Irfan on his bed to read more books. So, Irfan read Take my Picture – about a trip to the zoo – and Henry’s Wrong Turn which told of a humpback whale who got lost and ended up in a busy harbour. Alya was fascinated with my wristwatch buckle as Irfan read:

Reading some more, but more comfortable

Reading some more, but more comfortable

But after some time, Irfan stopped reading and they both started playing. Alya tickled her cousin as he hid under the covers:

Are you hiding under there?

Are you hiding under there?

There was much chuckling to be had.

Tickle! Tickle!

Tickle! Tickle!

Soon, both kids were tired and said good night. Then Alya left to sleep with her Papa and Mama.

Good night Yope Irfan

Good night Yope Irfan

Posted in Family Pics and tagged , , .

Khairul Hisham J. is a tabletop RPG artist, writer, proofreader, translator, teacher, grad student and learner-in-general.


  1. The two cousins look so cute together. With the diffent age differences it is wonderful they get along so well.

    Hope you and your mister have a great trip back to Malaysia Sila.

  2. irfan is such a sweetheart, and such an excellent reader, and so good with yaya… she misses him. can’t wait to see you guys again next week.

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