STA: Imperial Entanglements

Star Trek: Thine Own Self

S02 E06 “Imperial Entanglements”


S02E06 Imperial Entanglements

Thine Own Self S02E06 title card

Stardate: 58217.2, 21 March 2381, 1200hrs

Starfleet Dramatis Personae

  • Capt. Vosgal Toor, Zaranite commanding officer of the Sienkiewicz (NPC)
  • Lt. Cmdr. Kodar Tamat, Cardassian executive officer (PC)
  • Lt. Leahman Barclay, Human conn officer – A shift (PC)
  • Lt. Annette Metaxis, Human conn officer – B shift (PC)
  • Lt. Khalid Coufax, Human ops officer – A shift (NPC)
  • Lt. Aaditri Fuentes, Human ops officer – B shift (NPC)
  • Lt. J.G. Simon Cañete, Human security officer (temporary NPC)
  • Dr. Marjukka Suuronen, Chief medical officer (NPC)

CAPTAIN’S LOG SUPPLEMENTAL: The USS Sienkiewicz is en route to Vulcan to support a diplomatic Federation flotilla amassing there. This is historic. A mix of Starfleet, Vulcan and Klingon fleet that will cross into the Romulan Neutral Zone to aid them in rebuilding their colony worlds, especially those ravaged by rogue Remans after the fall of Praetor Shinzon.

Captain Vosgal Toor, on the bridge of the Sienkiewicz, is sitting in the centre seat. Bravo shift is relieving Alfa shift. Lt. Lehman Barclay is at the Conn station, with Lt. Khalid Coufax at Ops. Lt. Aaditri Fuentes arrives via turbolift and relieves Lt. Coufax. “I stand relieved, sir.”

The Hunter!

But Conn Officer Lt. Annette Metaxis does not show up to relieve Barclay.

Captain  Toor addresses his Executive Officer, the Cardassian Lt. Cmdr. Kodar Tamat, “Number One, can you find out what’s going on with Lt. Metaxis?” Tamat is unable to contact the pilot, so Toor sends Tamat and Barclay to look for her. Barclay taps his combadge, “Barclay to Sickbay, could you have someone meet us on Deck 3? We have a potential medical emergency. Hopefully she just overslept.”

“This is Dr. Suuronen. I’m just about to finish my shift. I’ll meet you there.”

Tamat sighs wearily. “I’m worried. Oversleeping is not like her.”

Metaxis' crew quarters

The lounge in Metaxis’ room

They reach Deck 3 and quickly find Lt. Metaxis’ quarters. Two heartbeats later, Dr. Marjukka Suuronen arrives with her medical kit, her hair curly auburn perpetually tousled. She asks, “What’s going on?”

Because there is no reply to the door chimes, the executive officer calls, “Computer, security override, Tamat Alpha Bravo Sigma.” The doors part open. After two minutes of looking, they are sure the room is empty.

“Computer, locate Lieutenant Metaxis,” says Lt. Cmdr. Tamat. The computer announces, “Lt. Annette Metaxis is in Holodeck One.

“Pfft! Holodeck,” Barclay balks. “A waste of time if you ask me.” Tamat quips, “You had Rec Rooms back in the day.”

Barclay smiled, “I heard the Enterprise had an entire bowling alley.”

Dr, Suuronen cuts in, “Maybe she forgot the time. Do you gentlemen really need my help?”

“Doctor,” Tamat says, “you can clock off. We’ll call someone else if need be.”

“Thanks XO. I have karaoke night in an hour.” With that Dr. Suuronen leaves, yelling as she goes out of sight. “Let me know how the search turns out!”


Holodeck doors

Program Metaxis Seven is still running

Soon Tamat and Barclay are both standing at the Holodeck One doors on Deck Two. According to the computer, Program Metaxis Seven has been running for 8 hours non-stop with safety protocols disabled. Tamat uses his security authorisation to unlock the doors and reinstate the safety protocols.

When the program synopsis is called for, the computer announces, “The program is a scenario of a war on an alien planet. Participants have to experience a number of life threatening challenges to reach a hidden outpost where escape from the doomed planet is possible.

The duo enters the holodeck, stepping through the threshold onto yellow rock and sand, with a bright blue sky above. The doors close behind them and vanish.

They see a colossal starship floating in the sky, a lumbering grey arrowhead. Below the ship, which looks to be over 1.5 kilometres in length, is a city built into a rocky mesa. “What is this place?” Tamat asks. “I’ve never seen a ship like that. Computer, guide us to Lt. Metaxis.”

Lt. Metaxis is in a cave at the base of the mesa in front of you.” The base of the mesa is just over two kilometres away.

Some Rogue One reference

This was a surprise for the players

Barclay mentions that he has heard of this before. “Really ancient. Before holodecks. Something about space wizards. Pre-World War 3.”

The Empire Strikes!

Tamat says, “Computer, can we have a vehicle?”

Generating the V-19 speeder.” A hover vehicle with an open cabin appears before them.

Barclay also requests setting-appropriate garments and weapons. Tamat wears the grey cloak while Barclay the dusty yellow one. Barclay looks at the weapons and remarked, “Laser… pistols?”

They climb aboard the hover vehicle. The controls are simple enough. The antigrav generators appear to be active permanently, with its own power source. Barclay activates the engines. “Hey I can get used to this!”

It growls to life.

As they roar towards the mesa, their combadge chirp, “Number One, report please.”

“Captain, we’re in Holodeck One. Heading to Lt. Metaxis’ location.”

Needs moar Gallidinium's Fantastic Technology

Discord screen with a Gian Speeder and DL-18 blaster pistols

There is an urgent beep on the V-19 speeder’s console. Barclay mutters, “Uh, commander we might have company.”

Three flying vehicles with ball cockpits & vertical wing panels appear from the sky and strafe them, carving up the landscape around them in plumes of flames and debris. “Captain, we’re being attacked. The security protocols are in place, but I don’t want to risk it. We’re performing evasive maneuvers.”

The Ultimate Gamble

There is a barrage of cannon fire. An energy bolt strikes their vehicle and it explodes. But the flames and debris do not harm them both thanks to the safety protocols, They fall on their butts onto the desert sands.

“You know what?” Tamat says annoyed, picking himself up. “Computer, end program.”

The world melts into nothingness.

Metaxis appears in the deactivated Holodeck, bleeding out from her abdomen not two metres away and barely conscious. Weakly she says, “There was a cave-in. I couldn’t-”

They both apply first aid successfully with Tamat tearing his uniform to fabricate a tourniquet (while spending a Determination for a Daring+Medical check, Difficulty Number 3). Almost immediately Dr. Suuronen arrives from her karaoke session (wearing an “Air Supply Greatest Hits” t-shirt) with two orderlies. Tamat reports, “Doctor, we found her. She needs assistance.”


Dr. Suuronen says, “We got this, gentlemen. Please stand back. Transporter Room, this is Dr. Suuronen. Medical emergency. Four to transport directly to Sickbay.” She addresses Tamat and Barclay: “You did good job.” And then the transporter beam whisks the CMO, the two orderlies and the injured Lt. Metaxis to sickbay, leaving the two bridge officers alone.

“These things are a death trap,” Barclay complains. “Care to try it again? There is this old game called Dungeons and Dragons.”

“I would rather keep the risk confined to our missions,” Tamat smiles. “Is this game anything like chess?”

Then Security Officers Lieutenant Simon Cañete and Ensign Mahfouz Lesauvage arrives to help, but nothing is left to do but leave. As they leave, Cañete notes with amusement that Tamat lost his shirt on this mission.

Tamat smirks at Cañete, “This uniform saves lives.”

Discord screen with an image of a deactivated holodeck

Computer end program

The holodeck doors close behind them.



  • This scenario was devised because someone mentioned “I’m good for Trek or Wars” the previous day.
  • “Computer, end program!” should be the end all and be all of all holodeck-based adventures.
  • The section titles above are from Marvel’s Star Wars (1977 comic series) issue 16 to 20.
Posted in Misc Sci-Fi, Role Playing Games, RPG Actual Play, RPG Campaigns, STA: Thine Own Self and tagged , , , , .

Khairul Hisham J. is a tabletop RPG artist, writer, proofreader, translator, teacher, grad student and learner-in-general.

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