Really All It’s Quacked Up To Be

So what’s one animal you can think of that’s not a maneater, can’t overrun the entire world and physically incapable of killing humans on this planet? I’m thinking… ducks. So it came to pass I started thinking of a silly RPG sourcebook which will be available for free download named The Apocalyptic Invasion of Flesh-eating Mutant Ducks RPG, which will employ West End Games‘ D6 game engine which was used for its old Star Wars RPG system. Here’s an excerpt of what I have so far: Everything happened in less than one day. One minute everything was normal. Suddenly, in a veritable orgy of down and blood, a billion ducks turned on and attacked everything alive within their sights. It was an inconceivable massacre. Within 6 hours half of Earth’s population were overrun by quacking and pecking waterfowl and died horribly. At least a billion of these were devoured to […]

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