
OK, so I didn’t actually go see the musical Hair while I was in New York City on Saturday, but here’s some news on hair: I cut mine!! Here’s a picture of me from this past May, where you can see how long my hair is. [[image:eur146.jpg:John and Jane Catchpole, and me and my hair:center:0]] In the past five months it has grown even more weed-like and out of control. So I took action (aiya, after all Raya is coming up and my parents will be here for Raya, must spruce myself up a bit, right?). Here’s how much I cut off (for scale I put a normal sized ballpoint pen next to the hair): [[image:hair1.jpg:Braid of the hair that was cut off:center:0]] And here’s the after picture: [[image:hair2.jpg:Sila minus the weed-like hair:center:0]] I really don’t care too much how long my hair is to be honest. I’ve tried every […]

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