5 Favourite Movies – A Meme

Tagged by the Hijack Queen with her metahuman abilities to hijack any sort of forum thread – quite an impressive feat if I might add – I will attempt to oblige her with my top favourite movies of all time as of today. The “as of today” statement is a proviso, cause the movies can sort themselves differently as time goes by. If this was 20 years ago, there would probably be two hundred science fiction and fantasy movies crammed into just the five spots. Since this is the here and now I will cut it down to one movie per spot, and diversify genres somewhat. Hey, you know what? Let’s put in a mini-review for each just for the hell of it. 5. Trainspotting (Danny Boyle) – 1996 [[image:5movies03.jpg:The worst toilet in Scotland:left:0]]Trainspotting is the movie by Danny Boyle that shot himself into the mainstream and Ewan McGregor into […]

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