Irfan on the new desktop

A New Playgound (On the Computer Desktop)

After I vowed to install Linux into this here home computer some time last October, this machine is now 100% Linux. The 100% part was because my old two hundred year old Windows installer CD had reached the end of its days and I needed an operating system quick. Why didn’t I retain the old Windows XP already installed in the computer and go dual boot? I broke it fiddling with dual boot, thank you very much. The Linux distro installed is Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper Drake. Although its original desktop environment was GNOME, I’ve installed K Desktop Environment (KDE) over it, effectively turning it into Kubuntu. So cutting through all the techinical details for now, here’s what the desktop and its associated applications looks like. Take a look at the desktop. After years of using Windows, this took some time to get used to. The wallpaper is homebrewed with GIMP, […]

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