Fantastic Four: A Meme

Since Selena (my preciousssssss pearl from PlanetKambing) tagged me for this, I figured I should get to it before I start procrasssstinating! Before any Silver Surfers start rising, here goes: Four Jobs I’ve Had in my life: 1. Student Tour Guide for the Information Center at my college 2. Circulations Assistant at the Gazette 3. Operations Analyst/Technical Writer 4. Consultant (a.k.a. enterprise modeler a.k.a. really, don’t ask me what i do because it’s a long explanation) Four (of the Five) Places I Have Lived: 1. Sitiawan, Malaysia (but of course!) 2. Seremban, Malaysia (boarding school, bah humbug) 3. Greater Boston Area, Massachusetts 4. Southern Ohio (Four points to whoever can name the missing fifth place that I lived in!) Four Places* I Have Been on Vacation: 1. Malaga & Jaen, Spain 2. England 3. Hawaii 4. Pulau Redang * For more vacation spots, just trawl this site. 😉 Four** of […]

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