Fantastic Four: Meme Redux

Another meme arrives and since my fellow bloggenstein who happens to also be my sister has tagged me… Wait, are there any rules about tagging your fellow blogmate based in the same weblogsite? No matter. I shall give this meme a whatfor like it’s never been given a whatfor before. A blog whatfor! A blorgthwthfor! Four Jobs I’ve Had In My Life Piano Man – Quite a fun job. There was an old man sitting next to me making love to his tonic and gin, John at the bar, Paul the real estate novelist, Davy who’s still in the Navy, and not to mention the waitress and the businessman sharing a drink they call loneliness. The manager gives me a smile cause he knows they all come to see me to forget about life for a while. Starman – As A starman, what I did was I waited in the […]

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