Zarin and Lily

In case anyone was wondering how Lily took to having Zarin around for a few days, she was totally comfortable with him. (These are pictures that Zarin took – guna sikit ya, Zarin?). First night, already that kitkat made herself comfortable right in the middle of Zarin’s bed: [[image:lily19.jpg:Right in the center of the guest bed:center:0]] [[image:lily20.jpg:What’s going on over there?:center:0]] [[image:lily18.jpg:Sooo tired:center:0]] Lily was sleeping on the bed with Zarin from the first night! Truly a shameless cat. Apparently she begged to be let in if the door was closed. We told Zarin to be heartless and not let her in, but he was nice enough so Lily got her way. So comfortable until – [[image:lily21.jpg:Zarin’s shirt is nice to sleep on:center:0]] [[image:lily22.jpg:What? What’s wrong with sleeping on this shirt? It’s ready for the laundry, right?:center:0]] Ish ish ishhhhh. Kucing ni! And finally, the day that Zarin was leaving, […]

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And I say it again…WTF?? This creature has been wandering the backyards of our neighborhood in the last few weeks. Where did it come from? Why is it here? Why hasn’t it been caught and made into dinner????? It’s pooping on our driveway, big old tahi ayam crap! Whose up for a good chase? Grrrrrr… [[image:chicken1.jpg:Chicken in the backyard:center:0]] [[image:chicken2.jpg:Close Up of said chicken:center:0]] As a consequence, we had to stop putting out birdseed for the birds and squirrels since this chicken was taking advantage of it. Grrrrrr

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Zarin’s Visit

So Zarin (atukku!) spent a few days with us (May 16-22) during which time, I regret to say that even though I brought my camera everywhere, I didn’t take as many pictures as I should have. Too busy chatting and hanging out and eating. What to do? I haven’t had this kind of time to hang out with Zarin since our college days (and since Zarin came for the 10th Year reunion, that’s as many years since we’ve had the luxury of hanging out like this). We did plan some activities to do (other than hanging out!). On Saturday, we went to watch the Cincinnati Reds play against the Cleveland Indians (Interleague Play). Sorry Zarin, I borrowed a few of your pictures for this entry… [[image:zarin02.jpg:Zarin and Vin:center:0]] [[image:zarin03.jpg:Zarin in front of Great American Ballpark:center:0]] Alamak! See? Our camera is dying or something. Got red tinge to the pics! 🙁 […]

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