Hair! The Sequel

So, I finally did it! a) I got a haircut b) I left Allie at home with Vin for the first time. Oh my. It was more than a little nerve-wracking. Vin had expressed milk in the fridge, and a baby in a good mood. I was showered and dressed to go out. So. I left without her. It was quite strange, I felt discombobulated and scattered. Like I had forgotten something. I kept checking my pockets and my purse. (Was I expecting to find Allie on my person somewhere? I don’t know). Anyway, it was a successful outing. Hair that desperately needed to be cut (can we say post-partum hair loss? aka telogen effluvium) got cut, and I didn’t have any real separation anxiety attacks. And when I came home, Vin had kept a detailed note of what he and Allie did together. Wasn’t that sweet of him? So […]

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And the Kitkat ups the Ante – I

It seems like since Allie was born, Lily has seriously upped her own CQ, as if to compete with Allie? Check it out: [[image:lily25.jpg:Usurping the gymini:center:0]] * Mouse over the pictures for captions [[image:lily26.jpg:Resting on the stairs:center:0]] [[image:lily27.jpg:Washing a paw:center:0]] [[image:lily28.jpg:Bengkok sini (bend this way):center:0]] [[image:lily29.jpg:Bengkok sana (bend that way):center:0]] This is what we call the roly-poly kitkat, who rolls around being cute so we will play with her or pet her, or pay attention to her. 🙂 [[image:lily30.jpg:Checking out the vibrating chair:center:0]] I’ll put more of the numerous cute Lily pictures that I have soon. Enjoy!

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