I prefer Threepio's hair in the pic above

Holy Crap! Star Wars DVD to Blu-Ray Comparisons!

IT’S AN OUTRAGE! Star Wars: The Complete Saga blu-ray set has been released and I have compiled a comparison of five screenshots between the DVD and its corresponding scene in the Blu-ray version. In each image, the DVD version is the top half and the Blu-ray the bottom half. Here follows a commentary on the above-mentioned screenshots. The Opening Crawl As you can see, the opening crawl in the DVD when viewed in Blu-ray looks so much worse. The blackness of space seems to have been greyed out and smudged in a shape that could be a mountain. Seriously? Someone thought a mountain would look good in space? Even the text font has been changed, perhaps to accommodate extra details about some “Purple Death”, which I believe refers to General Tagge’s underpants. The Tatooine Desert The picture quality is so bad after a transfer to 1080p that some of the […]

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