BU-77 v3 WIP

BU-77, Fugitive ARC Trooper

I once posted about BU-77 the ARC Trooper, my Star Wars D6 RPG character from the  Team: Sabredart campaign, complete with D6 stats. Recently, I found a line art of BU-77 that I drew after became a fugitive from the Republic and wore a new costume he found aboard the Mandalorian Dungeon Ship Lost Hope. So I imported the drawing to GIMP and painted it up a bit. Also, I experimented with layers a bit. I duplicated two extra layers, colourised the first two layers green and red respectively, set them to Multiply and Screen respectively and offset each layer from another by a couple of pixels causing the above effect to happen. The works in progress can be seen below. Boggles my mind that the first two pieces on the left were made almost 10 years ago. The one on the right is the penultimate version before I began […]

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