Finn and Jake

BareBones Fantasy: Over The Hills and Far Away

Some time ago, I ran BareBones Fantasy RPG for Irfan. The campaign is set in the default setting: the Keranak Kingdoms! Late afternoon yesterday, we continued the game with him playing the halfling spellcaster-warrior Jake Hastur and I running the human scholar-scout Finn Riverwyld. We stopped by sundown and resumed the game this morning. Last time, Jake and Finn were commissioned by Duchess Lyla Keranak of Kingsbridge to look for her missing brother Captain Kane Keranak, or at the very least return his signet ring back to her. The duo travelled to the Island of Netharak where he was last seen. After having rested in Mr. Bonewall‘s house at the fishing port of Dronak, Jake and Finn geared up and set out northwest to where Kane was last seen headed. Day One The duo headed into the thick jungle. By noon, Jake had almost wandered into a river with foul […]

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