I wish there was one book for every Corellian light freighter like this

The Gifts of Star Wars Books

Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopaedia Tsing visited with a gift: The Old Repubic Encyclopaedia, with material from the Star Wars MMO game set 3600 years before the movies and more than 300 years after the Knights of the Old Republic/Dark Lords of the Sith comic series. It’s a great treasure trove of information not just for the game, which I do not play. It also has a ton of stuff I can mine for Star Wars RPG sessions set in the present. New ships! Not much but PCs might come across some of these vessels in deep storage for thousands of years, just ready to be explored or to be used as their vehicles. Just make sure there are unknown dangers aboard after being dormant for millennia. Strangely enough, my current desktop wallpaper is of an XS light freighter berthed in a landing bay. You don’t see the Gree […]

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