68 Months

68 months now! Five and 2/3 years old! Whee! [[image:2014-yaya68month-13.jpg:Chuffed about something!:center:0]] * Mouse over the pictures for captions Food status: nothing new. She is still eating our homemade bread. I am thinking I should talk to her pediatrician and perhaps sneak in some vitamins in powder form (hopefully some kind of no-taste thingy) into the bread. We will see. We were on the road for two weeks out of the past month so while on the road, Yaya subsisted on circle toast (cinnamon raisin english muffins), green chips (Lay’s Sour Cream n Onion potato chips) and milk. Some mornings she ate bagels. Sometimes she ate pizza. But she ate so much circle toast that she did confess to missing Mama’s bread at home. 🙂 Reading status: same as last month. Still progressing. However, my friend Amy posted this article that made me feel much better. Yaya cannot sit still […]

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