Rafe – 37 Months

Adik is 37 months old! [[image:2015-adik37month-09.jpg:Winky boy!:center:0]] * Mouse over the pictures for captions As mentioned in last month’s entry, we are now moving to the smaller entry for Adik, where we just round up his month and choose photos from the entire month rather than documenting how he spent the actual day. However, yes, I am finding it difficult to limit myself. So for this month’s photos, I have included a few from his birthday trip to the Boonshoft (Dayton Children’s Museum). But before we go to the photos, the monthly roundup. Food status: still good. He tries stuff, likes Asian food, even asks to go to the Straits of Malacca (which warms the cockles of this Malaysian girl’s heart) and comes running for noodles. However, he does seem to be anti-fruit and anti-vegetable. Argh. He does eat veggies if it’s in the noodles or in his favorite Vietnamese […]

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