Rafe – 38 Months

Here are Adik’s 38-month photos. [[image:2015-adik38month-05.jpg:My happy little boy:center:0]] Mouse over the picture for captions. So, when I mentioned in last month’s entry that we were moving to the smaller entry, I really meant it. Especially since I am writing this so late it is practically April. So let’s stick with the basics. Food status: still good. However still can’t get him to eat fruits, although I get to sneak vegetables in via fried noodle dishes and spring rolls. Reading status: Adik is even reading words in other languages now. He can attempt to read his Malaysian flash cards (courtesy of Uncle Zarin, thanks, yo!). And he is very interested in languages, asking about words in different languages and whatnot. He still prefers shorter books over the longer ones. Even though he can read the words he doesn’t want to grasp with plot lines and character development yet. He wants […]

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