Betty wants to play

EOTE Tabletop Day Episode: Together Again For The First Time

Edged by the Empire Episode 10 Together Again For The First Time Previously on Edged by the Empire… It was International Tabletop Day again, and like last year we played Star Wars Edge of the Empire again. However we played not on a table, but on the floor. With the 15 XP carried over from the previous session, Irfan bought the Grit talent for his smuggler character Hondo Pash, increasing his Strain. The finale for the campaign that started on January 2013 with Escape from Mos Shuuta begins… One Man Revolution Radiation and stellar gases swamped the Shadda-Bi-Boran system from its primary star. A squadron of five Star Destroyers aided by numerous smaller corvettes and tenders manoeuvred themselves to surround a three-klick wide asteroid that sheltered a secret Imperial base that belonged to Admiral Keargan Kanu. As the cordon closed in on the flat lump of rock, Admiral Kanu was […]

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