81 Months

81 months of Yaya! [[image:2015-yaya81month-09.jpg:Artsy selfie:center:0]] * Mouse over the pictures for captions It’s the same old story of super late writing of the entry. April entry written in mid-June. But that’s how it’s been going lately. So we’ll keep this entry brief, and focus mostly on the photos. We had a late April trip to Florida which will be covered in other entries (eventually). Food status: Yaya did not try anything new in April. Reading status: we are moving along swiftly. Yaya can be seen (and heard) reading books on her own, and her artwork contains far more written words than it used to. So, whee! She is also reading instructions on various things. We are pleased with her progress. And on to the photos. First some egg-dyeing photos: [[image:2015-yaya81month-01.jpg:Pleased as punch:center:0]] [[image:2015-yaya81month-02.jpg:Look at all the colorful eggs! Are they all ready yet?:center:0]] Not sure why they are making […]

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