Rafe – 40 Months

And so Adik is 40 months old! [[image:2015-adik40month-03.jpg:And he’s excited about it!:center:0]] * Mouse over the pictures for captions It is mid-June and I am yet again very very late in writing Adik’s blog entry. All the same reasons and excuses as the previous months. I can’t turn back time but I can try to keep it short. 😉 Food status: the same as last month. Reading status: still good. He seems to be able to read in other languages (he sounds out the letters). He is also starting to text me while I am at work using Vin’s phone. I get very very cute texts, mostly along the lines of “Hi Mama. I love you Mama. When I’m 3”. I love all the texts that I get from him, even the ones filled with gobbledygook. Adik also is showing more interest in writing although he always asks for help […]

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