Blue skies and surf

ART: An Ocean View

I thought the last time I played with watercolours was more than 10 years ago before I moved to the north. But apparently I have dabbled with it once — perhaps five years ago — to teach Irfan to use them. Video For the first time ever, here is a […]

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USS Östergötland NCC-72227

STA: To The Dark Avenue

Star Trek: Emergency Deep S01E18 “To The Dark Avenue” Dramatis Personae Capt Greg Ellison, Human-Deltan Commanding Officer (Dan) Dr Patrick Troughton, Human Chief Medical Officer (Doug) Cmdr Morpheus Drake, Human Executive Officer / Flight Officer (NPC) Lt Cmdr Galinha, Tamarian Chief Operations Officer (Ivan) Lt JG John Hippocampus, Beluga whale […]

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USS Östergötland NCC-72227

STA: Shades of Green

Star Trek: Emergency Deep S01E17 “Shades of Green” Dramatis Personae Capt Greg Ellison, Human-Deltan Commanding Officer (Dan) Dr Patrick Troughton, Human Chief Medical Officer (Doug) Cmdr Morpheus Drake, Human Executive Officer / Flight Officer (Ivan) Lt Cmdr Galinha, Tamarian Chief Operations Officer (Ivan) Lt JG John Hippocampus, Beluga whale Chief […]

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Starring Kevin Sussman from Wil Wheaton's Tabletop, "Dragon Age" episodes!

Matrimonial Juggernaut

What is remarkable here is that Stuart knows the 22-metre long HAWv A5 Juggernaut. The A5 first showed up in West End Games’ Imperial Sourcebook in 1990. The visual design of the vehicle was based on Joe Johnston’s concept art for The Empire Strikes Back. Since then it popped up […]

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