Maybe the weather phenomenon they encountered looks like this

Dune RPG: To The Deep Desert

Last night, I ran Modiphius’ Dune RPG for the first time, as a one-shot, using the Wormsign quickstart scenario as an adventure template. To The Deep Desert Location: City of Arrakeen, Planet Arrakis.Time: 2 weeks before the official Atreides arrival, year 10,191 AG. “Given the right lever, you can move a planet.” A retinue of Atreides House Agents with Servant Hassan Diago (Razzman), Junior Mentat Sharah Fell (Ivan), Swordmaster Apprentice Marcus Syn (Doug) and Former Spice Smuggler Corbin Bralik (Ivan) are sent by Swordmaster Duncan Idaho to check on a reported smuggler encampment 150 km south of the city of Arrakeen. The party, packed uncomfortably into a thopter, flies towards a freak weather event that conjures sudden, violent dust devils. With Sharah’s encyclopaedic knowledge of Arrakis’ weather, Marcus is able to evade one of the lethal sand tornados. After 30 seconds, the dust devil disappears. Marcus looks out for more, […]

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Commander Mochizuki uses the First Officer pregen

STA: Rescue at Anansi Aleph III

Star Trek Adventures One-shot: “Rescue at Anansi Aleph III” Yesterday, young Anya plays Commander Jewel Mochizuki, XO of the Walker-class USS Bangkok. Several more days of Ramadhan to go, and she just saw the Star Trek: Lower Decks episode “I Have No Bones, Yet I Must Scream”. So, she asked if I could run a Star Trek Adventures session. I would ask Irfan to join but he was napping. The Mission Begins It is July 2260. Captain Adilia Morales is sent by Starfleet Command to investigate an SOS from the missing Saladin-class USS Neptune in the Anansi Aleph system. Captain Morales assigns Cmdr Mochizuki to the rescue ops. Upon dropping out of warp, Science Officer Lt Amanda Heisenberg scans nearby gas giant Anansi Aleph III detecting a ship in its upper atmosphere. Helmsman Lt. Cmdr. Simone Tsang plots a course there. An electrical storm under the Neptune disables scanning, comms […]

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Suck it, Anjohl Tennan

An Unlikely Crossover in the Fire Caves

Once in a while, something really stupid and makes no sense bubbles up in your mind and you need to get it out into meatspace. Here it is: a crossover between Call of Cthulhu RPG and Star Trek Deep Space Nine.   Just don’t ask me for Pah-wraith stats for Call of Cthulhu. I have it out of my system now and I am good.

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