14th Anniversary

It’s been 14 years since we got married. Since then, through shifting soil, moving goalposts, storms of ablative particulates and a deluge of fish entrails, Ain has been an excellent partner, wife and mother to our son. 14 is not a big number, but we thought we’d celebrate surviving this radioactive wasteland for another year. I love Ain so strongly that Hawking radiation is being emitted on the surface of the singularity of our sordid story.

We went to a restaurant that we had been to several times which served delicious food. However, the food did not live up to its delectable precursors. But that, I suppose, is no excuse not to enjoy the night.

Ain & Irfan with food

Ain & Irfan with food

Irfan with chicken chop

Irfan with chicken chop

Irfan takes a photo

Irfan takes a photo

Here’s hoping for a much better year next year. I’ve heard myself say this every year for the last 20 years. 20 years of saying it but not being able to pay bills might have skewed my brain away from the norm; way, way past the border of healthy cynicism.

Bah. Anyway… here’s hoping for a much better year next year.

Posted in Family Pics and tagged .

Khairul Hisham J. is a tabletop RPG artist, writer, proofreader, translator, teacher, grad student and learner-in-general.

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