Blizzard! And Allie Plays in the Snow

First big snowfall of 2010 today. We had some snow in December but since Allie had strep and all we decided not to expose her to the cold. But now she is better and we had four inches of snow on the ground and more falling from the sky, we decided to go out and have some fun!

We bundled her up in her snowsuit:

[[image:allie484a.jpg:Happy little eskimo:center:0]]

She couldn’t see very well with the hood up and preferred it down:

[[image:allie473a.jpg:Let’s go outside!:center:0]] 

And off we went, for Allie’s first encounter with snow.

[[image:allie474a.jpg:Breaking a path through unshovelled snow:center:0]] 

[[image:allie475a.jpg:Concentrating on her feet:center:0]] 

[[image:allie476a.jpg:What is this weird stuff?:center:0]] 

[[image:allie477a.jpg:Sitting in the snow:center:0]] 

[[image:allie478a.jpg:Fuyooo! Atok, I’m touching snow too!:center:0]] 

[[image:allie479a.jpg:Mama help me! My hands are cold:center:0]] 

Some crazy hat pictures:

[[image:allie480a.jpg:This is fun!:center:0]] 

[[image:allie481a.jpg:Hatted profile:center:0]] 

[[image:allie482a.jpg:I have a sticker:center:0]] 

[[image:allie483a.jpg:Is it coming down from the sky?:center:0]] 

It was fun. Allie had a good time, and even I will say it was fun. The snow was powder fine and very light, bad for snowballs. But still very cold. Must get Allie mittens. Allie and I then went back inside to warm up while Vin continued to shovel. Here are a few pictures he took:

[[image:snow27.jpg:Driveway looking to the back of the house:center:0]] 

[[image:snow29.jpg:The backyard:center:0]]  

[[image:snow28.jpg:Driveway towards the front:center:0]]

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