Hishgraphics H

The Day The Tyre Died, Again

Thursday night we went to pick up F from MIAT. We arrived at 2200. But we left at almost midnight. What was I doing two hours in MIAT? Changing the tires of the car, that’s what. After everyone was secure aboard 10 minutes after our arrival (Irfan was fast asleep […]

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Hishgraphics H

Full Circle

Once upon a lifetime ago, I used to repair helicopters. The job wasn’t at all glamorous. All you had to do was to follow the manual, observe regulations and ensure the paperwork was correct. Everyday you had to perform scheduled maintenance. Then one day I quit and left it all. […]

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Hishgraphics H

Happy Birthday Ain

Happy birthday and many happy returns to my beautiful wife Nurul Ain. Some cards were sent. A blueberry cheese cake was eaten. Irfan sang the Happy Birthday song. Ain also made a pot of fried noodles. And because Kak Nor also had the same birthdate as Ain, both sisters celebrated […]

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Heaven and Earth cover

A Writing Gig?

I wouldn’t have thought it possible a year ago. Heck, I would have scoffed at the idea 3 months ago, but upon browsing the RPG.Net Freelancing Forum recently, I decided to answer a call for freelance writers, instead of illustrators. I submitted the text for the Net.Guide to Spleens to […]

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Ramadhan Activity Updates

Time flew by quickly this Ramadhan. It’s already almost the last week of the month and it’s the longest time ever before I actually checked how many days were left before Aidilfitri. There’re only two more days before I’m out of town until after festival season. Tomorrow is the last […]

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Passing of the PM’s Wife

Datin Seri Endon Mahmood, the wife of our Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, passed away at 7.55am this morning, after succumbing to her battle with breast cancer since being diagnosed with it in 2002. Condolences to the PM, and make he take comfort in the fact that her […]

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5 years ago

5 Years Ago…

… Ain & I got married. Last night, after Irfan slept early and we left him in the care of his Cik Emma, Ain & I went to see Mr. & Mrs. Smith at GCS Midvalley (where they’re replaying the summer blockbusters for half price), got something to eat in […]

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It’s Ramadhan

Starting today, I’m fasting for 30 days from dawn til dusk. A happy Ramadhan to all readers, and happy fasting to all Muslim readers. Sahur this morning, before dawn, we had rice with eggs and cabbages, while watching the Smallville season premiere, as Irfan slept. I have an idea for […]

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Hishgraphics H

Blog Glitch Fixed

The entire week was crazy as far as this blog was concerned. First I couldn’t log onto the backend admin section with my correct password. (Even Sila couldn’t do it with her user account.) And after 10 tries my own blog banned my IP. Brilliant, eh? I went to the […]

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Best Wife Ever

I woke up this morning with a headache and a painful cough. There was a sharp pain in my throat at every cough, and there’s no way for me to wilfully stop coughing if my throat itched itself into coughing spasms. So there was nothing for me to do early […]

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