Comes A Nia Nia

Rania and family came back to visit us from Kuala Lumpur during the long weekend.

Hello Nia

Hello Nia

We picked up Ayah Cik Farid and Cikma from the airport and had dinner with them at Kepala Batas. Nia Nia was asleep when she arrived, but woke up just in time for a meal.

Before the meow

Before the meow

Nia Nia was still groggy from her sleep, but soon got her head back in the game upon spotting a cat and toddling excitedly after it.

This only works in three dimensions

This only works in three dimensions

At home, Irfan began teaching her to operate his Rubik’s cube. Then suddenly there was a power outage! Thankfully Nia Nia did not give a crap.

Before the nasi goreng

Before the nasi goreng

The next day, we went for a dinner at Kuala Perlis.

What's that huge body of water over there?

What’s that huge body of water over there?

We hung out at a restaurant across the road from the beach. Ayah Cik Farid showed Nia Nia the incoming tide, and she was impressed (and quite vocal about it too) with the rising tide and the many colours of clouds above Langkawi Island across the bay.

Sunset over Kuala Perlis

Sunset over Kuala Perlis (click to expand)

The sun dropped under the horizon and splashed some aesthetically agreeable colours all over the sky. Click on the picture above for a bigger image.

We thought it would rain but it didn't

We thought it would rain but it didn’t

The next day we visited the Kota Kayang Museum. Nia Nia was out cold when we arrived. Like Irfan as a baby (and also as a fourteen year old), the car lulls her to sleep like clockwork.

Irfan the umbrella

Irfan the umbrella

Soon, she was up and about exploring the museum grounds with Irfan.

Let's start hitting things!

Let’s start hitting things!

Since we had the entire museum to ourselves, we also played hide and seek with Nia Nia. Yes, including me. Then Irfan taught her to play the gong.

They made Nia Nia stop crying

They made Nia Nia stop crying

We then headed north toward Padang Besar and stopped en route for Nia Nia to make friends with a couple of ostriches and turkeys. The turkeys were noisy and made her pay rapt attention to them.

Tom Yam and Ayam Tiga Rasa and Telur Dadar

Tom Yam and Ayam Tiga Rasa and Telur Dadar

Nia Nia then ordered our lunch for us. But there was a slight problem with the rice.

Lok Ching AND Laksa

Lok Ching AND Laksa

Later than night we returned to the seaside for some lok ching. I love the shadows thrown by the light in the photo above. After that we went to the promenade where Irfan blew big bubbles for Nia Nia to chase and pop, with giggles and screams.

I think we found peak bubble

I think we found peak bubble

Irfan bought a bottle of small bubbles so Nia Nia can continue with the bubble chasing at home.



It was their final day with us and Nia Nia had changed into her travel clothes when she spotted something outside the house that caught her interest.



She calls her Abang Irfan for help, who quickly went to help.



What could it be? Irfan went outside to see.



Irfan returned to the sliding door grille with a kitty!



En route to the airport, we stopped at the coconut ice cream stall at Changlun. Ain played peekaboo with Nia Nia.

Nia has plenty of fans here

Nia has plenty of fans here

As Ayah Cik and Cikma stood in line at the airport counter, they took a photo of Nia Nia with us.

Hardcastle and McCormick?

Walking with Nia Nia

But Nia Nia was not done exploring with Irfan yet.

SMOOCH! said Ain!

SMOOCH! said Ain!

Ain kissed her little niece Nia Nia goodbye as she was on her departure lounge walkabout with Irfan.

Bye Nia, Cikma and Ayah Cik Farid

Bye Nia, Cikma and Ayah Cik Farid

Bye, everyone! Hope to see all of you later; hopefully before the Battle of Crait.

Posted in Family Pics and tagged , , , , , , .

Khairul Hisham J. is a tabletop RPG artist, writer, proofreader, translator, teacher, grad student and learner-in-general.

One Comment

  1. awwwwww nia nia is adorable. geram tengok. cik dik pun nak smoooch dia!! 😀 hope she’s feeling better now. love y’alls and miss y’alls

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