Further Gastronomical Adventures with Atok and Opah

More photos from Irfan’s grandparents’ visit chronicled two further sojourn to sample food at eateries nearby. I should think it was a collective celebration not just of their anniversary but also of Sila’s birthday which as you know falls on the same day. Additionally, my birthday would raise its head several days later.

First we would treat them. Then they treated us.

Bottom line, though, I am still astounded that we are able to afford these types of food these days. Granted they are cheaper than similar food in Kuala Lumpur, but we would not be able to afford these prices back then neither.

Food time

Food time

Enjoy the photos. First we went to Kangar for these dishes.



Western food or something

Western food or something

Nasi goreng

Nasi goreng



Eaters of the Food

Eaters of the Food

Then we went to Arau for these ones.

Atok and Opah

Atok and Opah

The roadside eatery

The roadside eatery

Slathered in sauce

Slathered in sauce

Another burger

Another burger

It's an egg, among others

It’s an egg, among others

After the food

After the food

The next day, Atok and Opah headed back to the hometown.



Posted in Family Pics, Food and tagged , , , .

Khairul Hisham J. is a tabletop RPG artist, writer, proofreader, translator, teacher, grad student and learner-in-general.

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