Meals for a Party Divided

And so it came to pass when Ain had to travel to KL to tend to Cikma’s surgery and recovery. (Spoilers: The surgery went well and she is recovering nicely.)

Irfan and I were unable to come with her as we had work to do that we were unable to put off. Irfan had tuition classes to attend while he underwent the SPM trial examinations.

I tried taking photos of Irfan and I having our meals and sent them to Ain while she was away.

First day of splitting the party

First day of splitting the party

Ain began her journey at the train station. It would take her about five hours for her to reach KL Sentral. On to the first meal that evening:

First day dinner

First day dinner

We ordered chicken chop and burger that first evening.

Second day breakfast

Second day breakfast

Next day, we had breakfast at Cik Nah’s.

Second day lunch

Second day lunch

I picked Irfan up for a late lunch in Jejawi.

Third day breakfast

Third day breakfast

The next day we had breakfast further down the road in Jejawi.

Fourth day breakfast

Fourth day breakfast

Then it was the Malaysian Independence Day. Gamera, Irfan and I had breakfast at Lyboy Corner.

Fourth day lunch

Fourth day lunch

For lunch we went to a restaurant in Bintong. You might notice we did not have a lot of dinner photos as Irfan sometimes made us omelettes in the evenings.

Fifth day lunch

Fifth day lunch

This was our penultimate day without Ain.

Sixth day dinner

Sixth day dinner

On our final day together, we had dinner outside at a new restaurant in Kangar.

Seventh day breakfast

Seventh day breakfast

This would be our last breakfast as a duo as Ain would return home that very afternoon.

Seventh day dinner

Seventh day dinner

With Ain back with the Home Team, the cosmic order was restored.

Posted in Family Pics, Food and tagged , , , .

Khairul Hisham J. is a tabletop RPG artist, writer, proofreader, translator, teacher, grad student and learner-in-general.

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