Once More Unto The Nasyid

Once again, I volunteered to participate in the interdepartmental nasyid competition in order to make a lot of noise without being arrested for disturbing the peace. A team was formed. We rehearsed for weeks. We obtained funds for costumes and such. Then the day came.

For some reason, we won first place!

The Al-Munawwar team

The Al-Munawwar team

Centre for International Languages in attendance

Centre for International Languages in attendance

The home team

The home team

Usable as an RPG terrain prop?

Usable as an RPG terrain prop?

The theme of the nasyid programme was “adaptation”. So adapted a song to be sung. What song did you ask? Watch the video of the performance below to find out:

Posted in Recent News and tagged , .

Khairul Hisham J. is a tabletop RPG artist, writer, proofreader, translator, teacher, grad student and learner-in-general.

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