Paper Minis: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Those are some sandy troopers

Those are some sandy troopers

So, since Star Wars Edge of the Empire role playing game core rulebook will be delayed another couple of months, many early adopters of the game will still be using the Beta rulebook and the Beginner Game boxed set to run their adventures. As previously stated, the boxed set has four pregenerated character folios and two free for download character folios from the Fantasy Flight Games website.

Download the paper miniature characters for the four from the Beginner Game (41-VEX, Lowhhrick, Oskara and Pash) and the two from the website (Mathus and Sasha) at the link below. Click on the thumbnail of Mathus the technician and Oskara the bounty hunter on the right to view the full pdf sheet.

You can use them If you’re running the Beginner Game and/or using the downloadable folios for any adventure and/or just looking for general Star Wars paper minis for your own use in any system of Star Wars RPG, be it EotE, D6, Saga, d20, Savage Worlds, FATE, Risus, ORE or whichever floats your boat or flips your ship.

Download and assemble the bases used in the photo below from the One Monk Miniatures website.

Download the paper miniature pdf file here.

EOTE Beginner Game

EOTE Beginner Game

Posted in Paperminis - Star Wars, Role Playing Games, Star Wars and tagged , , , .

Khairul Hisham J. is a tabletop RPG artist, writer, proofreader, translator, teacher, grad student and learner-in-general.


  1. amazing work guy! im looking for some kind of token for Could you draw the top view fo this characters for this free plataform? Thank u 4 all!

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