A Return to Bread

So it has been a very long time since I baked bread. My old toy‘s motor died in 2007 or early 2008 (after 3 years of weekly bread baking). Despite looking around for a handyman or an appliance repairer, we were unable to find one who would work on my […]

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Shepherd’s Pie

For some reason today I’m a bit rajin to write and publish entries on the blog. Must be the prospect of the 3-day weekend coming up! Woohoooo! I’m a bit backlogged, but here’s a quick review of Shepherd’s Pie which I made earlier this year. First, cook the beef and […]

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Bread 2006 (April to August)

After the Sprouted Wheat Bread adventure, I did continue to bake breads at a steady pace (weekly, pretty much). We had a few repeated breads, but I tried to balance the repeats with some new recipes. Here are the breads I made from April to August of last year. The […]

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Bread for Abah and Mak

A quick review back to Mak and Abah’s visit here last year. After all this while of looking at the breads I’ve been baking, I finally got a chance to have them taste my home made breads. Here’s Abah and Mak’s introduction to one of Vin’s favorite breads, Raisin Orange […]

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I don’t know what it is about Ramadan, but fasting makes me think about food. My last entry was about bread. What goes well with bread? Soups, of course! Toast up a little bread and dip it in hot soup, like little croutons. Mm mmm. Some soups even begin with […]

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Bread 2006 (January through April)

It’s time for more bread! Continuing the adventures of bread that began with my birthday present from last year, and the breads of the second half of last year, here’s some more roti roti roti. [[image:bread63.jpg:Pain Ordinaire Careme:center:0]] The above was Pain Ordinaire Careme – my 2nd attempt at it. […]

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2005: A Bread Retrospective

You got it! Another bread entry. In my one and only entry on this topic, I was waxing poetic about My New Hobby, and showed the breads I had been able to produce. That was about early August, last year. For the last one-third of the year, I have been […]

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My New Hobby

I thought and thought and thought about my new hobby – bread baking, and I wanted to write a long paean to it. But now the days keep passing me by and my workload has not lessened. The summer is zooming by and I’m sure Hisham thinks I’ve totally forgotten […]

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