He's a halfling

BareBones Fantasy: The First Quest

The night before we headed home to Kuala Lumpur from Pasir Mas, Irfan and I decided to try out the BareBones Fantasy RPG. BareBones Fantasy (BBF) is a simple – but intrinsically complete and very customisable – role-playing game engine that allows gamemasters and players to run adventures in the […]

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BareBones Experiment Artwork

DWD Studios came up with a great project suggestion. Somewhat like Wicked North Games’ Azamar: The Paradise Fragment project, I was to create a cover and six interior black and white artwork, which the game developers will create a adventure around them. The adventure will be a supplement to their […]

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Bare Bones Cover Process

The Bare Bones Game System published by DwD Studios – the rules-lite, role-playing game featured in the previous post – also required a cover art. I was commissioned to produce a comic-style scene of the characters in the fantasy template cards appropriating loot. Here is the step-by-step process of how the cover […]

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A thief of some sort

Bare Bones

The Bare Bones Game System – to be published by DwD Studios – is a rules-lite, multi-genre role-playing game formatted onto playing card-sized cards. Here are artwork for players that will be printed on card-sized character sheets for a standard fantasy-type world with the usual suspects: Human, Elf, Halfling and […]

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