It was released here a full week ahead of the USA

Avengers – A Review Of Some Sort

After five years of buildup by Marvel Studios across 5 movies from Iron Man (2008), The Incredible Hulk (2009), Iron Man 2 (2010), Thor and Captain America: The First Avenger (both 2011), we’ve finally reached its culmination this year in The Avengers for the Marvel Studios’ movie continuity, also know […]

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Or is that really Moonstone?

Carol Punches Bruce

Before Aidilfitri, I went down to The Gardens, a mall in the Mid Valley arcology. There I bought a Copic Ciao brush pen. When I first found it, I asked it, “Where have you been all my life?” What can I do with a brush pen? Here’s what, as illustrated […]

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Bookmarks for Orphans

Last weekend, Irfan’s aunt Cik Emma was involved with some community activity with her friends at Pulau Pinang. They performed voluntary community service to the residents of Rumah Seri Cahaya, an orphanage at Batu Maung. She asked if I could contribute some art for some bookmarks that she was going […]

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But not in red

A Banner Image

This is some incredulous Hulk, who is said to be gamma-irradiated. Which sounds unhealthy. This was a warm-up sketch using a new brush I recently got with ink. Something is still not right with how I wield the brush. I suppose more practice is needed. Update (May 13, 2011): I’ve […]

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Birthday boy in jammies

Six Years Old Today

It’s September 21st again and once more it’s time for Irfan’s birthday. Wearing his Iron Man t-shirt a gift from Ayah Cik, he greeted the arrival of his cousin Aiman (as well as Aiman’s parents) with whom he immediately shared his cache of toys. Aiman was overwhelmed by the amount […]

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