Star Trek Adventures RPG

Once upon a time I had a couple of Star Trek RPG books published by FASA. They were both destroyed by termites. They were the Federation Sourcebook I got from The Mind Shop maybe 25 years ago, and the Star Trek The Next Generation First Season Sourcebook. Since then, the Star Trek RPG licence had moved on from FASA to Last Unicorn Games to Decipher and currently it is with Modiphius. Earlier, the core rulebook for Star Trek Adventures arrived by mail, presumably because their transporters were malfunctioning. The book is fully painted. Like the Expanse RPG, there is not one frame from any of the live action media. No complaints from me because the artwork is well-illustrated throughout the book. The inner covers, first and final page of the book is a four-page map of the Alpha and the Beta quadrant. The image above shows only a small part […]

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Admiral Ssp

Star Trek Hybrids

So, I drew some cross-species hybridization as Star Trek aliens are wont to do. For example, Spock is a Human-Vulcan hybrid and K’Ehleyr is a Human-Klingon hybrid. A Tholian-Vulcan hybrid! I only remembered the pointy eyebrows after I finished drawing. A Horta-Cardassian hybrid. No space beneath the silicon-based body for a Gul Macet-style mutton chops. And think of the amount of hairspray needed to keep that ‘do in shape. A Tribble-Andorian hybrid. How is this even- I- Never mind. Everyone go home. Nothing to see here.

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Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Irfan Treks to an Exhibition

Irfan went to the National Science Centre. Star Trek the Exhibition was being housed there for the time being. Shane managed to go to Star Wars Identities which looked better, but I takes what I gets. They didn’t beam us aboard, we had to walk up the steps and push the door open. Thankfully, this procedure did not need the use of a Heisenberg compensator. There’s a reason why most of these photos aren’t in the exhibition hall. Taking of pictures are not allowed inside. We’ve never been to the science centre before, and we’ve discovered reasons to return in the future when we can. There are a lot of great interactive science exhibitions that are child-friendly. I’d bet Yaya would love to explore the science exhibits. Them’s fighting words below! Did I say photography was not allowed? I managed to sneak a couple of shots. I couldn’t pass an […]

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Starfleet Officers

From Thirteen Years Ago

Sometimes rummaging through your old stuff that you haven’t touched for years can surprise you in a good way. Yesterday, upon cleaning house I stumbled across three artwork of mine which I made back in 1993, several thousand years before my first foray into the digital medium. Click on the titles to view them in their entirety on deviantArt.

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