The GM Awakens

SWD6: A Wild Stranglepod Appears

Time is the Hunter Episode 07: A Wild Stranglepod Appears Continuing the adventure I ran for Ain and Irfan – (counts fingers) – 16 months ago… Bounty hunter Jax Hunt and amnesiac lady who called herself Iris Helena were waiting in the Corellian Engineering Corporation VCX-100 light freighter assigned to […]

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Irfan loves the Westward dice

SWD6: Out of the Red

Time is the Hunter Episode 06: Out of the Red Continuing the adventure I ran for Ain and Irfan last December… Bounty hunter Jax Hunt and amnesiac lady who called herself Iris Helena were waiting in the Corellian Engineering Corporation VCX-100 light freighter assigned to them, the Screeching Arrow, by […]

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Meow, Jax and Amnesiac Lady prepare themselves for future adventures

SWD6: The Privilege of Choice

Time is the Hunter Episode 04: The Privilege of Choice A 1500th post special! Last time on Star Wars Time is the Hunter, Jax Hunt finds himself being forcibly inducted into a bounty hunter posse bent on killing his mark, known only as The Skywalker in the abandoned structures deep […]

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So these randomly-grabbed paper miniatures became the basis of actual NPCs during the game

SWD6: Deeper Undercity

Time is the Hunter Episode 03: Deeper Undercity Last time on Star Wars Time is the Hunter, a gunfight between bounty hunters accidentally activated a trio of Separatist BX commando droids from the Clone Wars. Malfunctioning, they began hunting for targets deep in the bowels of Spaceport Tower 214 on […]

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Irfan's not a galactic bounty hunter. He just plays one in a roleplaying game

SWD6: Stalk the Lower Levels

Time is the Hunter Episode 02: Stalk the Lower Levels Last time on Time is the Hunter, Irfan played bounty hunter Jax Hunt who signed up with the Byblos chapter of the House Benelex Bounty Hunting Guild at Tower 214. Jax Hunt arrived the next day at Abbit Mowba‘s office. […]

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Wait, I thought this was a tabletop game

SWD6: Point of Entry

Time is the Hunter Episode 01: Point of Entry I figured it was time to return to the source from whence my interest of simulationist/narrativist tabletop games originated: Star Wars The Roleplaying Game once published by West End Games and run using the D6 system. It was the first RPG […]

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